Science for DRM 2020: Open Call for Authors/Reviewers/Advisors
The Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) is starting to prepare the second Report in the "Science for Disaster Risk Management" flagship series, to be finalised by the end of 2020.
In order to ensure a participated, holistic and transparent selection process, the DRMKC has the pleasure to open this public Call for Expression of Interest from Authors, Reviewers and Advisors wishing to contribute to the Science for DRM 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrowReport.
Every interested contributor can apply either as:
- Coordinating Lead Author,
- Lead Author,
- Contributing Author,
- Reviewer,
- Advisor,
By filling and submitting the 'Contributor template' before 20 February 2018. Each interested expert may apply for different categories across the various Chapters and Sub-chapter open in this Call, as long as different roles do not overlap on the same Chapter / Sub-chapter.
For more detailed information, the following guide documents are available for download on the side bar:
- Terms of Reference, defining the Background, Expectations, Scope, Organizational Structure (including the roles and guidelines to be followed by each category of contributor) and the Assessment Criteria for selecting the contributors;
- Table of Contents description, with a short overview of each Chapter and Sub-Chapter expected contents;
- Table of Contents matrix, with a global overview of the proposed Index and expected contributors;
- Workplan, with a draft calendar of key milestones towards the publication of the Report.