6th Africa Regional Platform for DRR releasing statement to stress promoting Scientific, Technical and Academic Communities in DRR
In 6th Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, IRDR co-hosted with ICoE REAL and Periperi University the pre-event and side events, and contributed to the science technology academia stakeholder group commitments in Africa. An exciting meeting with the 12 university representatives for the future of science and technology in Africa. IRDR was represented by its ED Rajib Shaw, SC Chair Shuaib Lwasa, SC member Djillali Benouar and ICoE leader Ailsa Holloway.
The Science, Technology and Academic Communities consultative session was convened by the Periperi U (Partners Enhancing Resilience for People Exposed to Risks) Consortium in association with the International Council of Science’s Regional Office for Africa. This pre-event on 22 November 2016 was attended by approximately 50 delegates. Those attending represented a diverse and inclusive range of disaster risk-related disciplines, professions and related practice fields, drawn from across the continent and beyond.
In this pre-event, a draft statement was released which emphasises the urgency for investing in and developing skilled human resources in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) at local, sub-national, national and regional scales and need for greater engagement with the continent’s science bodies and institutions of higher learning, recognising their vital roles in advancing relevant risk knowledge, research and skilled capacity in the management of Africa’s current and future risks.
English Version: Statement from the Scientific, Technical and Academic Communities in Disaster Risk Reduction
French Version: Déclaration des Communautés Scientifique, Technique et Académique en Réduction des Risques de Catastrophes