Nutrition in Emergencies Short Course - Moi University Kenya
Date: 26 Jun 2017 to: 30 Jun 2017
This course aims at equipping public health and humanitarian response persons with appropriate skills and techniques required to maintain good nutrition for vulnerable individuals during emergencies, in-order to reduce the risk of nutrition faltering and be well prepared for appropriate nutrition response in emergencies.
The course is appropriate for health service provides, disaster response workers, relief agency staff, public health practitioners and other professionals involved in disaster response and risk reduction.
Key Content Areas
- Overview on nutritional concepts
- Macro and micro nutrient malnutrition
- Nutrition assessment in emergencies
- Infant and young child feeding in emergencies
- Food security approaches
- Nutrition response in emergencies
- Monitoring and evaluation of nutrition programs
Notable Presenters
Dr Susan Keino (Public Health Nutrition Specialist) & Elizabeth Buluku (Public Health Nutritionist, Infant and young child feeding specialist)
Course Prerequisite and details
Prerequisites: Post-secondary training in health sciences, relief work, development and emergencies work will be necessary for admission into the course
Certificate: A certificate of completion will be presented to attendees
Course fees: Ksh. 50,000 (US Dollar 550) excluding meals and accommodation
Accommodation: accomodation will be organized for participants from out of town and is charged at ksh. 4,500 half board
Contact details for further information and registration:
Dr. Susan Keino - Moi University, School of Public Health
Tel; +254 (0) 734 756 633
Or Judith Mang’eni - Moi University School of Nursing
Tel; +254 (0)722 647415