We are excited to announce that PERIPERI U TALKS is back for 2022!
Prof JC Gaillard, University of Auckland
10h00 CAT, Thursday 3 March 2022
Link: https://maties.zoom.us/j/91068357706
This PERIPERI U TALKS session will start from the observation that we often claim that disasters are social constructs while offering little but theories, concepts and methods
supposed to be universal in understanding the unique and diverse experiences of millions of people across very different cultures. This is an epistemological
non-sense that disaster studies needs to address to make research more meaningful in the future. Such agenda will require to address four fundamental questions:
1) What do we study; that is; what is a disaster?
2) Why do we study what we call disaster?
3) How do we study what we call disaster? and
4) Who does study what we call disaster?
This seminar will argue that to meaningfully tackle these four questions we need a more diverse set of world views/
senses and ways of knowing to better reflect local realities of what disasters actually are around the world.
Please feel free to share this invitation with as many people as you wish!
For information about the PERIPERI U Talks, scheduled discussions, attendee registration or how you can participate as a
Talk Guest, you can contact the PERIPERI U TALKS Team who can assist you directly;
Alberto Francioli: albertofrancioli@sun.ac.za / Carinus de Kock: dekockc@sun.ac.za
To find out more about PERIPERI U Talks, please visit our website here: