From 7-9 October 2015, the 6th ANIE Annual Conference will bring together multi-level stakeholders in Higher Education and Internationalisation. Experts from around the world are set to deliberate on the contributions of international higher education following the shift from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Periperi U will participate in the upcoming 6th ANIE Annual Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 7th to 9th October 2015,organised by the African Network for Internationalization of Education (ANIE). As a key partner, Periperi U will collaborate with ANIE and the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) and will develop a dedicated session on Disaster Risk Reduction as part of the conference, timely themed: “Moving from the MDGs to SDGs: The Contributions of International Higher Education”.
Please see the Conference programme attached below:
ANIE Conference 2015 Booklet
We hope to see you there!
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