Periperi U at the Global Platform 2019
From 13 - 17 May 2019, representatives from the Periperi U partners travelled to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the sixth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR 2019).
The GP2019 took stock of countries’ progress towards achieving the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015-2030, and affirmed the role of DRR in scaling up action on climate adaptation and resilience. GP2019 urged governments to step up their efforts in implementing the Sendai Framework, noting the imperative for countries to develop their own national and local DRR strategies, and recommended that a mid-term review of the Sendai Framework be conducted, and DRR be fully integrated in SDG implementation.
Partners attended the Science and Policy Forum preparatory sessions between 13 - 14 May, to share and review progress in global, regional, national and local implementation of science-based policy makingin the field of Disaster Risk Reduction. Dr Holloway, spoke in a pannel on improved data and promote the idea of ‘data for action’,whereby data gathering, dissemination and uptake can be actualisation of disaster risk reduction at local level whilst transmissible and interpretable by wider groups of decision–makers at all levels.
On 15 - 17 May the partners attended the Main GPDRR 2019 session, attending a number of events and dialogues, and contributing to discussions concerning reducing vulnerability, advancing resilience and promioting Disaster Risk Reduction. Special events that the partners attended include the launch of the 2019 Global Assessment Report (GAR) on DRR, of which Periperi U partners contributed a paper towards, which provides an overview of countries’ progress towards achieving the Sendai targets. The Office also launched a technical working group, charged with developing a list of common and consistent terminology on risk.
Highlights of each day of the GP DRR 2019 can be found here